Friday, September 9, 2011

Perfect Day

Right now I'm sitting outside on the patio, the breeze is perfect. It's starting to warm up and the cool air that flows by at just the right time paints a mental image in my head of exactly what I want... the idea of the "perfect" day.

I'm in my own house, the windows are all throw open and the light is natural and the air circulating around me is all thanks to God, not my air conditioning unit. It's probably September, or maybe October. I'm up early and I've worked out before the sun makes it's appearance. Maybe I have kids that have been whisked away to school. Maybe I don't. But I'm home and my house is clean, probably because I'm neurotic about order sometimes. It's all organized, everything in it's place... it's also super cute. I do things that I want to during the day, not things I have to. I don't know if I make any money. Maybe I write blogs, cook lunch, get things ready for dinner... maybe I paint, read a book from front to back, or walk Sasha Fierce around the block. I probably drink coffee. I probably am in good shape and healthy... As the day goes on, my life stays busy. I don't know what I fill my day with while E is gone but I fill it. And when he gets home, I've actually made dinner because I love him and don't want him to worry about it when he gets home... unless I'm tired, and then he doesn't want me to worry about it so he might make it after he's relaxed a bit. The night is young and we embrace it. Maybe we hang out with the kids, or if there aren't any, we go out and we celebrate life... we don't wait on a birthday or anniversary to celebrate because what if those don't come? What if it's our last night together and we don't know it? We celebrate and we go back to our home and it repeats itself.

My perfect day doesn't have anything to do with a career where I make 100,000 a year. It doesn't have anything to do with the summer, or dead of winter... it leaves out the friends of mine that aren't really friends at all... It's pretty perfect. And I don't care if it lives up to the expectations that others have for what I need or should want...

I'll have it someday. Just not today. Today, I have papers to write.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

I wish I knew what it was like to love college life.