You always told me that if I ever wanted to have a blog post directed at you, to just say it to your face and not hide anything about it "subliminally." Since we aren't really on speaking terms anymore, I thought it would be appropriate to do just what you have said. When you read this: get rid of my sarcastic voice in your head because I KNOW that's what you're reverting to. I know you well. Replace it with a light, conversational tone that is both excited and serious, passionate and concerned.
For the past week, I have gotten rid of so much negativity, you not included. I say not, because I don't feel like you just "get rid of" your friends. Unfortunately, we haven't talked in that time so I don't hold it against you to not know what I'm talking about... we're both so busy these days. Earlier today I overheard two girls talking about their "spring break" - a break in which they're going to skip their own classes to attend so that they can "party like adults." I believe they even used the term, "licensed to skank" which I referenced in my tweet that you thought was towards you I guess. It was this tweet that made me realize you had taken it awfully personally:
"Cannot wait to spend my #springbreak acting like a skank and drinking until I forget my name. #whatareyougonnadoaboutit"
So I thought I would answer your question... um, nothing. I'm not going to do anything about it except what I do about every OTHER thing that bothers me - blog. Considering you are in a relationship, I would hope that you would refrain from "acting like a skank"... I don't think anyone would really appreciate that. But, I am not privy to how you maintain said relationship so I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you're just saying that to get a reaction, etc. Also, if you want to "drink until you forget your name" that is most certainly your prerogative. I would probably suggest you stop yourself at some point because hangovers are just no fun, but I can't blame you for wanting to have a good time. You work hard, you deserve it and you'll be of legal age to obtain the booze. The girls I mentioned, however, aren't. Maybe it's my watching WAY too many episodes of SVU, or just my paying attention to the local news, but I also know that while spring break can be fun it can be awfully dangerous. So be careful, ok?
You didn't mention anything about the third part of my tweet, which was taking responsibility in raising CHD stock. CHD is the symbol for Church & DeWight Company, and they own Trojan Condoms. If, by the off chance you DO decide to act like a skank, I retract my statement and suggest that you DO take that responsibility. Take some BFE advice because it's better safe than sorry!
As for tonight, you received some news that is going to change the course of your life drastically from what it was prior to today. And I am SO excited for you. I can remember when I was dead set on being an education major and actually wanted to teach. Then I remember the complete breakdown I had where I changed to communication. Now granted, our situations are different, but the adventure is not. You may find a solution to the problem and stay on track...or you may, too, have to do a 180. Either way, you are extremely smart and have the potential to follow any dream you've got. I am so proud of how far you have come... I mean, do you remember senior year?! It's like a completely different person wakes up every day and goes to class.
Religiously, I often felt too embarrassed to "witness" to you or to talk about Jesus and God. Mainly, I was afraid that you wouldn't want to be my friend anymore if I tried talking to you about it. Now though, it seems I haven't much to lose so I figure this is as good of time as any to tell you that God has this amazing plan for you. Thousands of years ago, Christ died so that you may have eternal life. And before your death, it is your responsibility - not to succeed for yourself - but to act as a vessel that lets Him work through you. Whether that means saving lives as a nurse, delivering weather reports or anything else... the course of action you take on Earth is designed by a higher power that is using you in AMAZING WAYS. No matter what you decide, you will be impacting and helping and truly making a difference. I encourage you to pray about it. Even if you don't know what you believe, someone is listening.
That being said, I can tell that this isn't like a little argument that is going to blow over. It's been going on for months now and it's finally time to put to rest. It may be best for you to unfollow me on Twitter so you don't think I'm talking about you or "at" you. I'll take care of FB... I don't have time to do that these days and I don't have anything at all against you or the life you live. I don't want to confuse you. If anything, I'm so excited for and proud of you. I drove by Texas Roadhouse the other day and I thought it was so crazyyyy how much has changed in a couple years. Life is so funny :)
I miss hanging out with you and playing you in WWF. If you ever want to chill when you're back home, you have my number :)
Until next time...
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