During our most recent visit, Dr. Pennell recommended that we drain her wound, and stitch her up. STITCH. HER. UP. My poor baby girl. Then, Dr. Pennell said that we would have to keep her from licking her leg. I look at Mariska and it's like she understood, too. This was the conversation in the office:
Dr.P: We're going to have to keep her from licking the area we're treating.
Me: Oh, no... THE CONE?!
Dr.P: The cone.
Me: But for how long?
Dr.P: Ten days.
Me: I've got to keep a four month old, wants-to-play-all-day-puppy in a cone? For TEN days?
Dr.P: Yes... good luck!
Riska Roo just looked at me and I could tell she was far from impressed.
So this morning, while I was at work, my mom took her to see Dr. Pennell so she could have the procedure done. They told me she was going to be out of it during the process, but not completely knocked out. Instead of injecting her with anything, they gave her something similar to the "laughing gas" the dentist uses. I'm actually relieved I didn't have to take her myself... it broke my heart knowing what they were going to have to do.
On another note, I'm in the middle of an AWESOME investigative story for The Rhynean. I've been told not to talk about it - so I won't - but it's been really fun. It isn't on the most interesting topic, or perhaps something that will interest everyone, but it's been a great experience in journalism that I haven't been able to get out of a text book or a lecture.
Oh! And I'm officially on spring break! How exciting! It's my last spring break of college and I must report that I'm not going to the beach to get wasted or act a damn fool. E and I are using my only break before his deployment to get away for a few consecutive days. This is the first vacation we've taken since we've been married and it is so long overdue. I was supposed to make our reservations already, and I think since we're two days from leaving I should probably get on that.
This afternoon will be spent cleaning, packing, and grocery-store running. Tomorrow will be spent going to church, starting a new series on Netflix - I'm thinking Weeds - and waiting for the hubs to come home.
Here's a rare occurrence at my house... all four fur-babies cuddled on the same couch :) Brings a smile to my soul!
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