Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I have had a horrible week and it's only Wednesday (which also happens to be my least favorite day of the week). I come to the coffee shop on campus and I'm apparently looking a hot mess. I order my coffee and I start to pay and Jamie says, "Your coffee is on me today, Olivia :)" And immediately my heart sort of melts and my problems don't seem quite as problematic because in the middle of a day that seemed to have little sign of looking up, someone who barely knows me steps in and reminds me of God's grace, love and unexpected intervention. Sure, to you it might just be a guy giving away a free cup of coffee. To me, though, it was the beginning of the rest of my day... and this time, my day is good.

Thanks, Jamie <3


  1. Awww, Gay men are so nice! :)

  2. They can be. Or they can be bitches. Just like straight men.
