Sunday, December 11, 2011

...the11th? Already?

I'm ashamed that it's December 11th and I've just now made time to write for the first time this month. Here's a big shocker: I should be working on - or rather, starting- a final project for my feature writing class that's due tomorrow morning. Instead, I find myself eager and determined to crank out a December blog post. Sometimes, I have such little motivation to write. Does anyone read this thing anymore? Maybe they do. And then I remind myself of my sweet child(ren) who may read this one day. I remind myself that I, too, want to look back and remember who I was and that I've made a promise to not-yet-to-be concieved gifts from God that I will document myself for their beneift.

December is always a crazy month. For the past ten days I have been writing massive papers, studying for final exams and balancing an abnormal social life with a few friends and E. Between wedding planning, emotional breakdowns, tantruns, triumphs, naps, sickness, working & day dreaming, well, there has been little room for much else. I can remember back when October arrived and I was thirlled and saddned...I knew that when I blinked my eyes, Christmas would be here and the magic of my favorite months would be gone. And here I sit, December the 11th, and the time has flown by.

Last night, we had a small get together with friends and family for the holidays. Joyous but tiring! Today, we went to Christopher's birthday party and the Shaw's Christmas dinner before I came home to "work". I forgot how tiring the holiday's can be... just three weeks ago I put my tree up in my room and I've barely had time to enjoy it. I moved it in our living room last night so I could see it more and so mom could see it. I like it better in my room but at least out there it isn't being neglected.

I have so much to say in this that I can't yet. I'm not a good secret keeper. I'm down right awful with keeping my mouth shut. But in good time I will write a post that will make up for this slightly awful one... all in good time.

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