To My Sweet and Loyal Companion,
How do you write a letter to say goodbye to someone who means more to you than many words can describe? Some might say that it's silly to become so upset over the passing of a pet, and the same may say it's crazy to write a letter to a pet posthumously but I say that where you are now, you can read. And if you cannot read, you can at the very least feel love with every keystroke that I make.
I remember the night you were brought home; you made me the happiest little girl in the entire world. We all sat on the floor, toe-to-to encircling you, watching you run around playfully and joyously. We thought about names. I said, "She looks like a bear. Winnie the Pooh likes honey. She's even the COLOR of honey." And Honey Pooh became your name; Honey for short.
After that night, our hearts were marked. There was no turning back and you were ours. You were so energetic. You would run around the whole house... especially after a bath. You did not like being wet and as soon as you could, you would shake as hard as you could and you would run everywhere trying to get the water away from you. It was always so funny.
I can remember giving you too much turkey one Thanksgiving and you slept for SO LONG. We were worried but at the same time, it was hysterical. Your snores filled the whole house and I will forever miss the noise that you made, which was loud but comforting somehow.
When my grandmother came home from the hospital, you made your purpose in life known (as if we had any doubt previously, it was now solidified): you were a happiness maker. She stepped in the house after a noticeably long absence and you gave her a homecoming worthy of tears, smiles and praise. You ran EVERYWHERE... all around the house, all around the room. She smiled SO big. That's one of the most vivid memories I have of her happiness, and it was all because of you.
As you got older, you stayed sweet. When we got new puppies you never complained. You were still our sweet, faithful Honey. And you were protective. You may have been small and your bark may have been more cute than scary, but to the best of your little ability, you made sure that your family was okay. When Pea or Sasha was playing too rough for your liking, you would always start barking like crazy... you hated when Sasha would jump on me. I will always miss your possessive bark and passionate waddle to the "danger".
You loved popcorn, your belly being rubbed and laying in the sun. You never wanted to be alone. Your best friend was a boxer that in her youth terrorized you, but in her adult years became your day-time companion. You were never told to "get down" when you jumped up to get some table scraps because who could yell at such a cute face? In your younger years, you knew sign language and all it took was a "daddy's home!" to get you rocketing towards the door. You were faithful to my mom until the very end. You stayed by her side when she was by herself and never complained when you forced to find a new napping spot when she would move rooms.
Two days ago I saw you at your most fragile and most vulnerable... you were not feeling well and it was not going to improve. You laid on the table, and we were by your side the whole time. You didn't fight it; you were ready to go. In 14 years you never left our side. You chased away those you thought meant harm, you cuddled when we just needed love and you knew that sometimes just being there was enough. And we did the same, we did not leave you. You felt our loving touch until you were no longer here and I hope so desperately that you felt 14 years of love in those final kisses and fur strokes.
I miss you but I will not say I "loved" you, because my love for you will never stop. You were beautiful, kind, sweet, humble and funny. You were the best dog in the whole world and I will never love a more loyal, friendly, kind and happy dog as you. 'Thank You' doesn't seem to be enough but for you I am so, so thankful. You gave much more than anyone could have ever expected.
<3 Olivia
P.S. I'm so sorry I left you outside that one time. I hope you felt how bad I felt for you, and that you forgave me. But I know you did... because that's what a faithful dog does <3 I'll miss you my sweet, four-legged best friend.

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