If someone were to ask my what my absolute least favorite season is, I usually say summer. I talk about how I hate the heat and how lush, green grass turns into harsh, dry carpet. I mention getting stung for the first and only time on our gazebo by the pool, which no longer exists. I'm reminded of stifling hot cars and stinging metal seat belt buckles, not to mention sunburnt skin and my face becoming extra-oily. And then, summer gets here. It finally graces us with its presence and I forget how much I hate it. It's like the exact opposite of winter for me. I proclaim to love winter (and I do!) but then it gets here and I spend my days wishing it would go away. I forget that I hate being cold and that I dislike bulky coats and gloves.
Yesterday was Memorial Day, and although it is SO much more, many consider it to be the first "unofficial" day of summer. Summer actually doesn't start this year until June 21st but today it registered 98 degrees on LaDonna's car. That's enough evidence that summer has indeed arrived, if only by my own personal standards. I spent my day being as American as possible. I slept late, got ready, got a new bathing suit that I actually really like, put on a sundress and spent the afternoon grilling out, laughing and being with people I love so much.
Lindsey and Keaton came over to my house which pretty much made my whole day. I forget how much I love her. It doesn't even seem like it's only been three years that I've known her, because I feel like it's been a lifetime. The funny thing is that our senior year, we were close but we weren't THAT close. And then a week after summer came it was just like "BAM! Hey, new best friend!" I can remember staying at her house or her at mine, her mom talking about nipple stimulation which was the both the most AWKWARD and hilarious conversation I had ever been a part of, being there when she told her parents she was pregnant with Keaton (who is about to be an adorable 1 year old) and even devising an experiment that resulted in learning that termites do not have a preference for the color black because they're color blind. Seriously, why don't I hang out with her more? I miss my girl time. I miss her family and seeing Daddy Weaver and Lauren and her grandparents and her mom. I have decided that I am going to make an effort to see her at least once a week. There's really no excuse NOT to. That's actually a dumb goal because I well never stick to it. At least once every TWO weeks. If I had to describe my friendship with Lindsey, I would call it timeless. I never see us not being friends. She's the type that I can go a month without talking to and it's totally okay because I know without a doubt that we are still as close today as we were two years ago. Life changes and people change and I am a lucky girl because our friendship has remained so constant.
After my house, we went to Ethan's mamaw's house which was also so much fun. I love how youthful his mamaw is and how the whole family comes together so easily. There's good, southern cooking and laughter and an ease that just makes you feel like you're at home. I just feel like part of the family. There's no judgment there, no one feeling superior to anyone else. Which is probably why I was so okay with swimming for the first time in forever. And when I say "forever" I mean that I literally have not been in a swim suit in front of people in probably two years. Not even E. Before now, I avoided it like the plague. I'm extremely self conscious when it comes to the way I look. I think it's because I find myself surrounded by people who are either very, very judgmental and openly critical of how other people look and also because most of the people I hang out with are relatively fit, or are at least tan and pretty. I can't even find it in myself to feel badly for having negative self-image when I hear people who are literally skinny constantly talk about "Oh man, I've gained THREE pounds. I have to lose this. What a fatty." Are you serious? How about instead of going to the gym you swallow a gigantic gulp of Shut The Fo'Reak Up. I hear there are few calories in that but it's awfully filling.
Anyway. I ended up going back to E's house and we watched a movie and just hung out with each other. Ethan is the absolute sweetest right before he wants to go to bed and right when I'm that weird "I'm not asleep but I'm not awake" stage. I think he finds it incredibly easy to be the most sensitive person he wants to be then, because the chances of me remembering it 100% are slim but he knows I'll remember what he actually said. It's actually kind of adorable. He reminds me that he loves me and tells me that I'm beautiful and I always remember the last words he says before I drift off, "You're my girl and I love you, bug." This is usually followed by a kiss on my forehead before he sneaks back out of the room to go play xbox before re-joining me hours later. And by re-joining me, I mean he puts his sleeping bag on the floor and lets me have the bed because he's just that much of a gentlemen :)
I had such a good Memorial Day Weekend. I'd say that I'm dreading the heatwave that we're predicting summer to be, but that would be a lie because if every weekend in summer could go like this past weekend went, I'd be the most happiest girl in the entire world.
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