Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Hey, June :)

Oh my gosh. I just laughed out loud. So, I was thinking of a blog title for this post and since it's going to be about the beginning of June and OTHER new beginnings I was going to say, "Hey, June!" And then I got the song "Hey Jude" stuck in my head but instead of Jude I was saying June. I don't know if that will be funny to anyone else...

It's actually appropriate, I mean, for right now, if you actually DID replace Jude with June it would be like:

So let it out and let it in, hey June, begin
You're waiting for someone to perform with
And don't you know that it's just you, hey June, you'll do
The movement you need is on your shoulder

Okay kind of. Anyway.

I'm super stoked for this month. I don't know why. I think I do this with every month. But for starters, I'm pretty flipping excited that summer is here. As I write this I am also looking at my iCal and it's so empty but also really full. Of course I have my internship but Alan is starting at Zander's soon so I'll have my weekends off (YEAH!).

I've got several house-sitting jobs which will be great to help pay off my car and the houses that I'm actually going to be at are mostly my favorites. This weekend I'll be at Jenna's mom's house and then the next weekend has yet to be filled, but Ethan will be at drill so I think I'll try to spend time cleaning and maybe going to see Linds and Keaton, or maybe just staying home and relaxing. The 17th-20th cannot get here soon enough! My favorite family will be leaving for four days which means I get total access to their awesome pool, which will be perfect for spending a weekend with my favorite :) The 25th will be fun because E's mom reserved tickets for some concert in Charlotte that has lots of people I have never heard of but I'm sure I'll have fun :)

I'm also stoked because my my gym just released their June schedule and their is a MUCH bigger selection of classes to chose from this month which means I can actually get to a few that I've been eying. I've also set my first goal for losing weight for June which is such a good thing. I've not actually set a goal this time that I've tried working out and I do so much better with goal setting...

I'm making it a point to finish getting my teeth taken care of this month and to also go to the dr. about this odd thing on my chin that isn't like anything terrible but I just want it gone.

AND I feel like I'm rambling.

And this month actually started off kind of awful with this odd spider bite on my leg. I really hope it goes away soon :(

Okay. I'm done.


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