This morning God answered my prayers of last night and I was given the best wake-up call ever! Talking to my Bug first thing surely set the tone for a good day, and honestly, it didn't disappoint. I got to work on time, was super productive and left right at five. I got home, painted a super exciting banner for my sweet hubs who can't be at the parade tomorrow afternoon and then took Roo for a walk through the town during the street dance. She got lots of sweet cuddles and was as behaved as she knows how to be. What more could I ask for during a time like this?
Tomorrow will surely be a busy day but I'm excited to pick up a few things E has asked for and get his first package sent off. I've been told it will take anywhere from a week to three weeks, so I'm just ready to let it be on its way so it can get to him.
One more day closer to the best day of my life!
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