Sunday, March 17, 2013


So many changes are coming my way in the next 50-65 days... and I've been so overwhelmed by them all that I can't quite articulate what's even happening in my life right now. The last bit of this deployment has been the absolute hardest but the end is in sight and that's really all that matters I suppose. Hearing from my husband is still the highlight of my week most of the time, but with each phone call comes more emotion than before. We're so close to homecoming but still, so far away from it all.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

I'll never come to terms with that.

I'll never be okay with...

...not having friends. in this town.
...not getting a chance to start over.
...staying at my job.
...being alone every weekend.
...being someone people pity.
...losing zero weight in a month.
...having no one to talk to.

Like seriously. I'll never fully come to terms with any of that.